Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why can't shoes just be comfortable?

How is it possible that civilization has existed for thousands of years and wearing hot shoes still leads to the inevitable experience of pain? I mean, i understand that everyone's feet are different, but there are doctors devoted solely (hahaha) to feetology, as well as many billions of dollars that go from our pockets directly into the hands of greedy shoe-istas and shoe companies. You'd think some of that money could go towards making a product that is actually in the shape of a foot (unlike many shoes that seem to be in style with my amazing generation) or that might actually SUPPORT the foot when one might want to actually WALK somewhere. Gosh.

Ok... so maybe they do make shoes that do that. And I'm sure that some pretty shoes and dressy shoes and shoes that cost as much as your dignity really are comfortable. And maybe its really just my fault that I'm cheap and I dont like to spend more than... say, like 40 dollars on a nice pair of shoes. Blah blah blah. (Bob Loblaw?) I'll just suck it up and blame the republicans.

17.16 miles today on the stationary. I get my bike tomorrow! Maybe I can figure out how to... like.. actually ride a bike now.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


16.61 miles in 65 minutes (same amount of time i did on tuesday.)

It's a really great feeling to be in those last five cool-down minutes, then to get off the bike and realize that walking feels unnatural. Then, noticing the drenched sweat marks on both my shirt and shorts was fantastic. Sweating is quite possibly the best feeling on Earth. :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

First Real Training Ride

I finally found the time to go work out on the stationary bikes at gregory tonight and made a modest effort towards reaching our 1000 training mile goal with 15.91 miles! I will definitely be keeping this up.. the hour sitting on the bike went by quickly, despite having only my ipod and the people-watching potential of the greg weightlifting room to keep my mind occupied. I think knowing that i have a distinct goal and timeframe within which to complete it makes taking those first steps easier.

Also, even though the main reasons behind my involvement in T4K deal with cancer and the American Cancer Society, I will definitely enjoy the opportunity to get myself in better shape. It's not as if I'm dragging myself around campus or never take the stairs over the elevator, but I often wish that I had more determination to really get up and train. I guess what I'm really looking forward to this summer is to hopefully find the drive within myself that i always wished was there.